5. Recommended Settings for Playstation 3 Games
Here we will recommend settings for Playstation 3 games that are compatible with the G27
Racing Wheel. You can use this as a guide when adjusting the settings to your preference.
Burnout™ Paradise
DiRT 2
Wheel Advanced
Steering Deadzone: 0%
Steering Saturation: 80%
Steering Linearity: 0.20
Accel. Pedal Deadzone: 0%
Accel. Pedal Saturation: 100%
Brake Pedal Deadzone: 0%
Brake Pedal Saturation: 100%
Force Feedback
Force: On
Force Strength: 75%
Force Weight: 75%
Effects Strength: 75%
Buttons can be reassigned
We recommend using
the default settings.
Force Feedback can
be turned off.
Buttons cannot be
Wheel Advanced
Steering Deadzone: 0%
Steering Saturation: 60%
Steering Linearity: 0
Accel. Pedal Deadzone: 0%
Accel. Pedal Saturation: 100%
Brake Pedal Deadzone: 0%
Brake Pedal Saturation: 100%
Force Feedback
Force: On
Environmental Effects: 60%
Feedback Strength: 100%
Wheel Weight: 70%
Buttons can be reassigned
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