3.4 Connecting Flight Controls
The Flight Control Arms of Redline GT are designed to work with the Saitek X52
Flight System. Other flight control sticks will work, but you may have to measure
and drill the correct mounting holes through the wooden mounting piece.
Set the flight stick on the right arm
and the throttle on the left arm.
Secure the flight
controls to the
mounting arms
with the screws in
the bag labeled
Saitek Control
. Each
piece is held in
place with two
screws, circled
The cable that comes with
the Saitek X52 Flight
System is slightly too short
to run through the cabinet
and connect the flight stick
with the throttle, so a longer
cable is included with
Redline GT.
Take this cable and lay it in
the open
Foot Box
. Run
one end of the cable under
the seat and out through
the hole that the shifter
cable passes through.
Connect this end to the
flight stick. Run the other
side of the cable through
the opposite side and
connect it to the throttle.
Run the USB cable from
the throttle through that
hole, into the
Foot Box
and connect it to the USB
cable marked
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