I.V. pole fixed
I.V. pole with two hooks.
I.V. hooks safe working load is 5kg each hook.
I.V. pole fixed
height sockets
I.V. pole fixed height sockets are located at head end, behind the head
Place the I.V. pole in one of the two sockets until the tube is completely
inside the socket.
The two black nylon sockets placed at head end, behind the head board, can
be used for I.V. pole fixed height and/or for oxygen bottle holder.
Oxygen bottle
Oxygen bottle holder is designed to accommodate AD, CD, DD, PD, RD, ZD,
D cylinders (according to
Medical Gas Cylinder Data Chart)
Oxygen bottle holder dimension is 370×140mm.
Use the black hand-wheel to lock the tank.
Safe working load is 10kg.