Side rails are designed to avoid potential finger entrapment: if the side
rail drops down without any control, the 25mm gap between the
nylon mouldings, where the aluminium vertical rails slide, assures
Side rails are designed and supplied with two internal ergonomic
nylon handles to facilitate the patient safety grab.
Extendable head
board / fixed
width foot board
Head board is extendable.
This is needed whenever the mattress platform
sections are extended
The gap between the head board and the safety side rail must be less than
6 cm (EN60601-2-52).
The head and foot boards can be easily lifed off and removed from the
bed for access to the patient.
To extend the head board, grab the chrome plated extension tube at
right/lef side, pull the blue operating knob, pull out the chrome plated
extension tube (while releasing the blue operating knob) until it locks with
an audible “click”.