1. Drawbolt piston does not move when pivot
handle is pumped.
A. Drawbolt piston is at end of stroke. Press by-
pass valve button.
B. Air in hydraulic system. (See oil filling
C. O-rings in pump and drawbolt piston are worn.
(See disassembly instructions.)
2. Hydraulic fluid leads from tool.
A. If ATF fluid is leaking around cap screws, tighten
screws. If after cap screws have been tightened,
leaks persist, replace Stat-O-Seal washers.
B. If fluid leaks from handle grip, the bladder must
be replaced. (See disassembly instructions.)
C. If fluid leaks from pump bushing, O-rings in
pump piston are worn and must be replaced.
(See disassembly instructions.)
D. If fluid leaks from end plug, the O-rings on draw-
(bolt piston and in end plug are worn and must
be replaced. (See disassembly instructions.)
3. Pulling head does not grip rivet stem.
If pulling head does not grip rivet stem, disassem-
ble and clean pulling head components. Replace
worn or damaged parts as required. Install per in-
structions on page 8.
4. Pulling head does not release stem.
A .
Drawbolt piston is not fully forward. Press by-
pass valve button.
Pulling head is not properly installed on tool.
Install per instructions found on page 8.
Pulling head needs cleaning. Disassemble,
clean and replace worn or damaged parts and
install per instructions on page 8.
WARNING: Do not disassemble tool before reading instructions thoroughly. Injury could result from
heavy spring pressure on drawbolt piston and end plug. Approved eye protection should be worn.
NOTE: 749C64 Assembly/Disassembly tool is recommended for any repair on the G 749A riveter.
It should never be necessary to dismantle this rivet
tool completely. However, if it develops a problem in
one of the areas mentioned under Trouble Shooting,
the tool may be disassembled by section utilizing the
following instructions and the drawings on pages 4
and 5.
Before doing any disassembly—remove screws (31)
-O-Seals (17). Drain transmission fluid from
the riveter. During disassembly use care not to mar,
nick or burr any smooth surface that comes in con-
tact with O-rings.
1. Pivot Handle & Pump Piston
Carefully press out roll pin (41) in order to remove pump
piston (38) and pivot handle (42) subassembly from
housing (32). Drive out link pins (39) to remove link
plate (40) from pump piston (38) and pivot handle (42).
Items 34, 35, 36 and 37 can be removed from pump
piston (38) once spring retainer (33) is removed. Han-
dle grip (43) slips off handle (42) if replacement is
To reassemble, reverse above procedure, being cer-
tain that all O-rings are lubricated with a good rubber
lubricant. Install roll pin (41) as shown on page 5. To
refill tool with
fluid, see refilling instructions for
proper procedure.
2. By-pass Valve Assembly
Remove by-pass valve assembly (19-26) from
housing (19) and check parts and O-rings for wear
or damage and replace as necessary.
To remove valve actuator (26), first loosen valve sleeve
(23) and remove from housing (32). Remove screw (19)
to remove items 20, 21 and 26. Remove O-ring (22)
from sleeve (23) and O-ring (25) from actuator (26).