1. Press by-pass valve button.
2. Insert rivet stem into nosepiece.
3. Insert rivet into work with riveter nosepiece
held firmly against head of rivet.
4. Pump pivot handle to set rivet. It may be
necessary to repeat cycle if rivet is extra long.
5. When rivet is set, press the by-pass valve
button to release hydraulic pressure. Tilt nose of
tool down to permit spent stem to drop out.
Air Bleeder 745A45 should be used for proper refilling
Fill unit transmission fluid type
220 or equivalent
Remove two cap screws and
-O-Seals from
ports A (rear) and B (front opposite side).
2. Attach 745A45 air bleed hose to port A (rear) and
force fluid into tool. Fluid (and probably air bubbles
will come out of port B. When there are no more
bubbles, replace cap screw and
-O-Seal in
B. Do not disconnect 745A45 air bleeder from
port A.
3. Remove cap screw and Stat-O-Seal from port C
(other front screw). With 745A45 air bleeder, force
fluid into port A and out of port C, while at the same
time actuating pump handle. When there are no
more bubbles, replace screw and Stat-O-Seal in
port C.
4. With both ports B and C now closed, force a little
more fluid into tool to partially collapse reservoir
bladder. Rem ove bleeder and quickly replace
screw and Stat-O-Seal, retaining as much fluid as
possible in tool.
If tool does not pull properly after cycling pump
handle several times, repeat all steps.
Note: In forcing fluid into tool, be careful to prevent air
from entering. Be sure bleeder hose fitting is tightened
sufficiently in port A before proceeding.
The G 749A Hand Riveter has been manufactured to
give maximum service with minimum care. Virtually
all of the moving parts in this tool ride on O-rings, pro-
tected by backup rings where high pressure dictates.
This means no metal to metal wear. By use of close
tolerances and low micro-inch surfaces against which
the O-rings seal, a long service life can be expected
before any overhaul becomes necessary. In order to
enhance the service life of the G-749A, the following
recommendations should be followed:
1. The hydraulic system should be full and free from
air at all times.
2. Do not pound on the rear of the tool head to force
rivets into holes as this will damage the tool.
3. Make sure the puling head is correctly and securely