TFX-48B User Manual
Revised: 2008-08-25 16:16:53
The Stage Designer 50™ is a universal intelligent lighting controller. It allows the control of 48 channels with
96 scene/chase playback faders. Each scene/chase can contain up to 1000 individual steps, or looks. On the
surface, when in the CHASE◄►SCENE mode, there are 12 physical faders for the playback of the saved
programs. There are 4 pages of Scenes playback on Page A, and an additional 4 pages of playback faders on
Page B. Programs can be triggered by music, midi, automatically or manually. Channel assignments can be
reprogrammed for ease of controlling different fixtures. On the surface you will find various programming tools
such as 24 channels fader, A/B master faders for cross mixing, and Fade and Speed time faders for on the fly
adjustments. And it also has an LED display for easy navigation of controls and menu functions.
Universal DMX-512 controller
Controls up to 48 DMX channels
8 pages of 12 playbacks faders,
6 sets of chases containing 240 scenes
Program fade and speed time into each step
Reversible sliders
Re-assignable channels
Sequential linking of chases
Assignable joystick
Fog & strobe control buttons
Grab any fixture on the fly
Beat activation, tap-sync and auto run
Polarity selector
6 space (6U) 19" rack mount
MIDI compatible