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Your Safety



EMC Directive 89/336/EEC













Maximum performance and compliance with the EMC

Directive can only be ensured by correct installation.  It is

strongly recommended that the installation conforms with

the following Standards:



) ISO 10133 - Extra Low-Voltage DC Installations

b) ISO 13297 - Alternating Current Installations (Draft)

ISO- International Standards Organisation

The information contained in this manual is believed to be accurate at

the time of going to print but no responsibility, direct or consequential,

can be accepted by Cetrek Ltd for damage resulting from the use of

this information. Cetrek Ltd reserve the right to make changes

without notice to any of its products.

© Cetrek Ltd 1996


Содержание Propilot 725

Страница 1: ...uredbycorrectinstallation Itis strongly recommended that the installation conforms with thefollowingStandards SMALL CRAFT ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS a ISO 10133 ExtraLow VoltageDCInstallations b ISO 13297 Alt...

Страница 2: ...Good Wiring Practice 11 Connecting the Autopilot 13 INSTALLATION SCHEMATIC 14 INSTALLING OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 16 Cetrek Equipment 16 Navigators 16 NMEA 0180 18 NMEA 0182 0183 18 NMEA 0183 18 Windvane Eq...

Страница 3: ...9 Rudder Deadband 30 RudderLimit 30 Max Turn Rate 30 Power Steer Gain 30 Auto deviation 31 Preset Configurations 31 InstallingaPresetConfiguration 32 AdjustingIndividualConfigurationSettings 33 SEA TR...


Страница 5: ...EM ACCESSORIES Yoursystemmayhavesomeoftheseaccessoriesaswell Dodge and Course Change remote controls Powersteerremotecontrols RudderPositionIndicatorsandRepeaters CompassRepeaters ExternalAudibleAlarm...

Страница 6: ...ot725 Hole positions 113 x 238 mm 4 45 x 9 37 Cut out for back 110 x 237 mm 4 33 x 9 33 corners 13 mm 0 51 x 45 NOTE Also allow adequate clearance for cable connections to ensure cables arenotundulyst...

Страница 7: ...onsidertheexactlocationandcableroutingthatisrequiredfor eachunit Pleasereadthisinstallationsectionandanyinstallation informationsuppliedwithyourunitsbeforeyouinstallthe system Suggested Wesuggestthatt...

Страница 8: ...ass sensoratleasthalfwaybackalongthecentreline Onsteelvesselsitisnecessarytomountthesensor2to3 metresabovethesuperstructureortouseaGyroorPick off coilsystemworkingfromthevessel smainsteeringcompass Th...

Страница 9: ...l helmsmantooperateit Theseunitsmustbeflushmountedtomaintaintheir weatherproofquality Ifthefrontpanelofthisunitisremovedthegasketmustbe replacedtomaintainthewatertightseal Toorderthegasket quote part...

Страница 10: ...hanicalDriveUnitsconnectintoexistingmechanical steeringsystems ThesizeandpositionofaRotaryDriveUnitshouldhavebeen specifiedwhenoriginallyorderingthePilotSystem Theunitwill havetobepositionedtoalignwit...

Страница 11: ...a t e ri nt h eI n s t a l l a t i o nS e t t i n g s Big Ship Links TherearetwolinksonthePCBinsidetheDistributionBoxthat a r ep a r t i c u l a r l yu s e f u lf o ri n s t a l l a t i o n so nl a r...

Страница 12: ...under any circumstancesbeconnectedtoit AllDCsupplycablesshouldbekeptasshortaspossible and shouldbetakenfromthebatteryviaaswitch fuseorcircuit b r e a k e ro fas u i t a b l er a t i n gf o rt h es y s...

Страница 13: ...lefromyourCetrekdistributor Key to the Colour Coding of Cables R Red Rouge Rot Rojo B Blue B l e u e Blau Azul BK Black N o i r e Schwarz Negro BN Brown Marron Braun Marron V V i o l e t V i o l e t t...

Страница 14: ...14 PROPILOT 725 INSTALLATION SERVICING MANUAL InstallationSchematic...

Страница 15: ...quivalent Cetrek units 930 102 930 112 have this protectionbuiltin 4 Set SW2 to OFF for 930 700 930 770 or no console connected to Port B otherwise to ON If a930 700or930 770isconnectedasasecondstatio...

Страница 16: ...nerallyadoptedthedataoutput formatsasspecifiedbytheNationalMarineElectronics AssociationofNorthAmerica NMEA Yourautopilotwillaccept anyofthethreedataformatsincommonuseforautopilot c o n t r o l NMEA 0...

Страница 17: ...ldofcoursebeverysimpletousethe headingtothenextwaypointcalculatedbythenavigator However this would be a dangerous method to use when in theproximityoflandasastraytidaloffsetcouldputthevessel inapositi...

Страница 18: ...ainsoneofthesentencescontainingHeadingtoWaypoint and Waypoint Number If not you may have to operate your autopilotasifitwereNMEA0180 or0182 dependingondata a v a i l a b l e Navigators with 0182 and 0...

Страница 19: ...gativesignaltothe SIG terminal SwitchSW7toOFFiftheNAV1portisused switch SW8 to OFF if the NAV2 port is used TheInstallationSettingsexplainhowtoselecttheInterface formatsandsignalgainvalues Windvane A...

Страница 20: ...o n l yi faN a v i g a t o ri sf i t t e d OFF 1 PoweroffAutopilot None COMP 1 Select Compass Control With LCD displaying COMPON OFF press hold for 1 VAR EOO Compass Variation 2 DAMP 07 Compass Dampi...

Страница 21: ...R 03 Counter Rudder Pulse Width Modulation 2 TRIM 04 Trim 3 GAIN 03 Rudder Ratio Gain 4 RDB 03 Rudder Deadband 5 RLIM 07 RudderLimit 6 TURN 20 Max Turn Rate 7 PSG 07 Power Steer Gain 8 AUTO DEV Auto d...

Страница 22: ...heckroutinesuntiltheLCDdisplays SPECIAL Theunitis now in Special Function mode Once you are in Special Function mode the SEA STATE key allowsyoutostepthroughtheInstallationsettings Rudder Thisselectsw...

Страница 23: ...Feedback Unit must be positionedaccurately Compass The fluxgate compass bearing can be aligned with the bow of Alignment thevesselwithouthavingtophysicallyrotatethecompass MAGC 123 The fourth press of...

Страница 24: ...he standard configurationspreprogrammedintotheautopilot smemory PilotA BandC Aswiththeotherconfigurationsthedamping can be fine tuned as you become more familiar with the Autopilot To access the setti...

Страница 25: h eW i n dT r i ms e t t i n g T h i sm a yt h e nb ea l t e r e d byusingthe and keys Navigator ThisisthewindowtoselecttheInterfaceformatsuitablefor Interface Format theNavigatorconnectedtotheNAV1...

Страница 26: ...Note Although the Autopilot Control will access the following gyro displays the autopilot can only be operated under gyro control ifthenecessaryinterface 930523 isfittedtothe930618 DistributionBox The...

Страница 27: ...ontrol when powered down and switched on again but calibration w i l lb el o s t Gyro Type or SinceGyroCompass varyintheiroutputitisnecessarywhen Gyro Ratio firstinstallingtheGyrotoselectthecorrectGyr...

Страница 28: ...Bsettingsas youbecomefamiliarwiththeautopilot THE SETTINGS EXPLAINED Counter Rudder At the end of a large course change the amount of rudder is reduced as the vessel approaches the new heading to C R...

Страница 29: ...setrudder ThecorrectTrimadjustmentsettingfor thesetypesofvesselisthereforebestfoundbyexperience To check the Trim adjustment with twin engine vessels run the boat under Auto command with both engines...

Страница 30: ...This sets the maximum rudder movement either side of amidships obtainableunderautopilotcontrol Therangeis RLIM 07 from01 3 to10 30 Setthelimitsothattherudder doesnotquitetouchitsendstops Thesettingcan...

Страница 31: ...o includingthosefor equipment that you may not have connected Notice that the Rudder Ratio Response PWM and Alarm settings also change Thesesettingsareonlyintendedasageneralguide Thepresetvaluesareasf...

Страница 32: ...y until the LCD displays the Configuration message approximately 3 seconds Presseitherthe or keytodisplaytheselectionwindow Only one Preset can be switched ON When you select one the other two are aut...

Страница 33: ...i n g s CONFIG Press and hold the SEA STATE key until the LCD displays the Configuration message approximately 3 seconds TRIM 06 Press the SEA STATE key repeatedly to select the required setting TheT...

Страница 34: ...leftwhenthehelmisturnedtoPortandtothe rightwhenitisturnedtoStarboard Ifnot reversetheRudder FeedbackUnitphasing seetheInstallationSettingsearlier Checkthattherudderpositionindicatordisplays whenthe ru...

Страница 35: ...b l ef o rt h er e s to ft h es e at r i a l s ThefollowingorderisrecommendedforcarryingouttheSea T r i a l s Carry out the Automatic Deviation Correction routine CheckthattheselectedConfigurationsett...

Страница 36: thiscanleadtoerroneouscorrectionvalues T h ed e v i a t i o nc o r r e c t i o nf a c i l i t yi sn o ta c c e s s i b l eu n t i l1 0 secondsafterpowerupofthecompasssensor Procedure Findanareaofca...

Страница 37: ...eviationcorrectionroutine Pressthe ON ST BY or AUTO key to return to the mode you require You should now check that the compass heading agrees with thevessel strueheadinganddoesnotneedrealigning The c...

Страница 38: QB 5mmx20mmcartridge MotorSupplylogic Absolute Maximum Ratings over Operating Temperature Range Operation at or above the Absolute Maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the equipment Maximu...

Страница 39: ...e c t l y Switches There is an eight way DIL switch on the PCB which is used to changethewaytheDistributionBoxfunctions It issituatedin thetoprightquadrantofthePCBwithswitchone SW1 being nearestthece...

Страница 40: ...ches i e 930 801 SW7 SwitchtotheONpositionwhenaNavigatorwithasinglewire outputisconnectedtotheNAV1port Switch to the OFF position when a Navigator with a two wire outputisconnectedtotheNAV1port SW8 Sw...

Страница 41: ...rthed 5 Checkthefusesandreplaceblownoneswithdirect equivalents Mostunitshaveoneinternalfuse the DistributionBoxhas3 6 TakesuitableprecautionswhenhandlingPCB swithStatic S e n s i t i v eD e v i c e s...

Страница 42: ...ebatteryvoltagetodropbelowthatrequiredtomaintainthe autopilotoperation Oncepowerlosshasoccurred thefail safe watchdog has been designed to power down the system automatically Thiswouldbeparticularlyno...

Страница 43: ...e switchedON IfusingaRudderFeedbackUnitwithintegral limitswitches checkthattheswitchesareworking OtherwisesuspectadriveFETorlogicfailureonthe DistributionBoxPCB Lowbatteryvoltage Motorcableorsupplycab...

Страница 44: ...eentheAutopilot controlandtheDistributionBox CheckthattheDILswitcheson theDistributionBoxPCBarecorrectlyset DATA OVF CorruptedDatahasbeenreceivedbytheAutopilotcontrol BAD CKSM Press the OFFkey then th...

Страница 45: ...NAV DATA TheAutopilothasreceivedanerrorcodefromtheNavigator ChecktheNavigatorforbadreceptionorfaultyequipment NAV OVFL TheAutopilothasreceivedmoreNavigatorDatathanit expected Clearthealarmbypressingt...

Страница 46: ...pilotControlislongerthanexpected Itcouldbecausedbyexcesselectricalnoiseinterferingwiththe datacablesoftheAutopilotControlorbyafaultyIC9inthe D i s t r i b u t i o nB o x SFLT 066 PORT READ CHECKSUM ER...

Страница 47: ...n c t i o n i fi tp e r s i s t sa n d cannotbeclearedaCetrekDistributorshouldbeconsulted SFLT 165 COMPASS TIMEOUT The618DistributionBoxisnotreceiving headinginformation fromthecompassunit Onsystemsu...

Страница 48: ...OT 725 INSTALLATION SERVICING MANUAL SFLT 225 RUDDER FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER FAULT Thisindicatesaserioushardwaremalfunction ifitpersists andcannotbeclearedaCetrekDistributorshouldbeconsulted Error and Faul...

Страница 49: ...mber Software Version Number Ad e s c r i p t i o no ft h ef a i l u r e Installation Code of Practice Inadditiontotheinstallationinformationcontainedwithinthis manual the CodeofPracticeforElectricala...


Страница 51: ...ationCorrection 31 35 36 DILswitch 11 39 43 44 Dimensions 6 DisplacementVessel Presets 28 32 Displayflashes 34 DistributionBox 5 7 8 11 12 13 39 Drive Motor 5 DriveUnits 10 E Error Messages 44 Externa...

Страница 52: ...udder Feedback Unit 5 7 9 10 22 23 34 Rudder Feedback Unit Offset 22 23 S S e aT r i a l s 34 Semi displacementVessel Presets 28 32 SFIA ExternalAlarm 24 Software changing 39 SolenoidDrives 15 Special...
