4 CESeasy communication module
4.1 About communication modules
A CESeasy communication module allows you to control CESeasy motor cylinders and CESeasy
door controllers with devices from other manufacturers.
A communication module can control both a motor cylinder and a door controller.
Therefore, the term “lock” is used as an umbrella term. This can refer to either a motor
cylinder or a door controller.
The communication module has several inputs through which orders are forwarded to the lock.
There are additional outputs which reflect the lock status. The communication module and the
lock communicate wirelessly.
4.2 Scope of application
Due to the available inputs and outputs and the functions which are linked to them, the
communication module can be used in a very versatile manner. The communication module is to
be used together with a CESeasy motor cylinder or a CESeasy door controller.
CESeasy products have not been developed, tested and/or approved for access to escape
and emergency routes. Do not use CESeasy products on fire doors or panic doors.
The device must be installed in a dry and protected place in the building.
CESeasy communication module
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4 CESeasy communication module