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CertoClav Sterilizer GmbH
Peintner Strasse 10
A-4060 Leonding / Austria
Place the lid on the chamber and turn it clockwise until the handles are in line with each other.
Turn the red knob counterclockwise to lock the lid.
Open the steam release spigot. We recommend mounting a hose on the steam release spigot, inner
diameter 10 mm. (Art. no. 8582016)
Set the red maximum value indicator on the manometer to the
position “0”.
Plug in the power cable.
Sterilization/ autoclaving
Select the required temperature on the pressure control valve by turning the valve cap carefully
either clockwise (for 121°C / 140°C) or counterclockwise (for 115°C / 125°C) as far as it will go. DO
Select the same temperature on the black turning knob at the base of the autoclave.
To start the autoclave, turn the white timer switch
to “ON”.
This is a permanent ON setting.
After 15-20 min steam comes out of the steam release spigot.
To achieve saturated steam, leave the steam release spigot open for approx. 10 min, so that the air
can escape. After that close the valve by turning it clockwise.
This venting process ensures the removal of air, saturated steam is achieved.
Setting of the timer
After the venting process the temperature rises to the set value.
The sterilization time starts when the operating temperature has been reached, indicated by steam
escaping through the pressure control valve. The indicator on the manometer should now stay within
the specified limits (red or blue marking).
Now you can use the timer to set the necessary retention time (e.g. 15 minutes to sterilize 500ml fluid
at 121°C)
Load of fluid in ml
Initial timer switch position
3000 ml
30 minutes
2000 ml
25 minutes
1000 ml
20 minutes
500 ml
15 minutes