Certa FMR 4030 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2



> 30°

6 m

30 - 50 cm

Gutkes GmbH - Rehkamp 13 - 30853 Langenhagen - Germany - www.certa-gev.eu - [email protected]

> 50 cm




> 50 cm

> 50 cm




> 4 m






Smoke detector FMR 4030 

This smoke detector has been designed to provide an early 

warning in the event of fi re. As soon as smoke enters the device, 
an alarm is triggered. The device does not detect fl ames. Many fi res 
occur at night. As we have no sense of smell while sleeping but wake 
up when we hear a noise, smoke detectors are an eff ective way of 
providing an early warning of the danger.
Field of application:  

apartments, houses 

Alarm signal:  

acoustic signal with approx. 85 dB/3 m

Contact your local fi re service or insurance company for information 
about what to do in the event of fi re. These establishments can 
provide you with relevant leafl ets underlining the importance of 
installing smoke detectors.

Mounting location

For optimum protection of your home, install smoke detectors in all 
rooms, corridors, basements, cellars and store rooms. To ensure 
minimum protection of your home, install one smoke detector in the 
corridor, one in the staircase on each fl oor and one in each bedroom 

Fig. A

. In fl ats with several apartments, each family should install their 

own smoke detector.
•  Do not install the detector in the bathroom or garage.  


  Only install it in the kitchen if it can be mounted at least 4 metres  
  away from the oven and similar heat sources.
•  Do not install the detector in drafty areas, e.g. near a ventilator    
  shaft where the circulation of air could prevent the smoke from    
  reaching the detector.
•  Do not install the detector in dusty environments or rooms  


  with high ambient humidity. 
•  Do not install the detector in the loft as, in the event of fi re, 
  smoke-free air can accumulate in this area. In areas with roofs
  which slope by more than 30° and which have a total ceiling
  height of up to 6 m, observe a distance of 30-50 cm from the
  highest point. On roofs which slope by less than 30°, mount the   
  detector on the pitched roof  area 

Fig. B


•  Observe a minimum distance of 50 cm from walls, ceiling joints   

Fig. C

 and lights 

Fig. D


•  Mount the detector in the centre of the ceiling, maintaining  


  a distance of at least 4 m from open fi replaces and ovens 

Fig. F

•  Several detectors need to be installed in rooms of over 
  60 m



and corridors measuring over 10 m.


Fix the mounting plate to the ceiling using the screws and dowels 

Fig. E

. Connect the battery (provided) to the battery clip 

Fig. G1

. The test key LED 

(Fig. H1)

 will fl ash briefl y approx. every 32 

seconds to indicate that the battery has been fi tted correctly. Perform 
a function test (see Test/Maintenance). Position the detector on the 
mounting plate and turn in a clockwise direction until it clicks into 
place. The mounting lock 

(Fig. G2)

 prevents the detector from being 

mounted if the battery is not fi tted correctly.

Performance check/Maintenance

Press the test key 

(Fig. H2)

 until the alarm is enabled.

This tests correct operation of the smoke chamber, pulsating 
electronics and battery. If everything is operating correctly, the alarm 
will be loud and pulsating. Perform a test at least once a month 
and every time you replace the batteries. The device automatically 
performs a test every 32 seconds. The LED 

Fig. H1

 fl ashes briefl y to 

indicate this. If the detector is faulty, the red LED will fl ash  approx. 
every 32seconds 


 with the audible signal.


 The interval between each audible signal may be slightly longer 

than 32 seconds. To correct the fault, remove the batteries for 10 
minutes. Reconnect the battery and press the test key 

Fig. H1


the alarm is activated. If this does not correct the problem, replace 
the detector. 
If the battery voltage falls below the minimum value, the detector will 
beep approx. every 32 seconds and, 


, the LED will 

fl ash for approx. 30 days to remind you to replace the batteries. When 
necessary (usually about twice a year) wipe the device with a clean, 
dry cloth and clean with a vacuum cleaner. 

Additional notes

•  Make sure the battery is fi tted correctly.
•  Always test the device after replacing the battery.
•  The use of heat and smoke detectors does not exempt  


  you from your obligation to insure your property.
•  You may not hear the alarm if you are a deep sleeper
  or under the infl uence of alcohol or drugs.
•  We recommend that several detectors be used in
  rooms of over 60 m


 or corridors of over 10 m.

•  Disposing of used batteries in household waste is 
  strictly forbidden. Dispose of batteries in shops with
  recycling facilities.
•  In the event of technical problems, contact the
  manufacturer or your specialist dealer.

Replace the detector every 10 years.

Battery and rechargeable battery information

Used batteries must not be disposed of as unsorted household 
waste. Used batteries must be recycled and may be returned 
free-of-charge to the place of sale. Batteries contain 

substances which are harmful to the environment and to human 
health and must therefore be disposed of correctly.

Recycling instructions

This device must not be disposed of with unsorted house hold 
waste. Owners of old devices are required by law todispose of 
this device correctly. Contact your town council for further 


Correct action in the event of a fi re

Keep calm! Alert the fi re service.
It is important that the fi re service is told the following information:

• Your name (name, phone number)
• The location of the fi re (address)
• What has happened (extent of fi re)
• How many people are injured
• Then wait to see if the operator has any questions.
Alert all the people who live with you.
Help aged, sick and disabled persons.
Close all windows and doors.
Do not use lifts.
If you have any doubts as to whether or not it is a genuine alarm, still 
act as if there is a real fi re.

Technical information

Model name 

FMR 4030

Battery operation 

9 V block battery, included

Signal volume  

approx. 85 dB/3 m

Relative humidity  

10 % - 93 %

Operating temperature   



0 °C to +50 °C


EN 14604:2005 


Recommended batteries 

GP 1406S, GP 1404G, GOLITE 6F22  



Panasonic 6F22, Longlife 6F22


Ø 100 mm, height 37 mm

Subject to technical and design changes without prior notice.



Smoke detector
FMR 4030 # 004030

EN 14604:2005 

Содержание FMR 4030

Страница 1: ...Der Test sollte 1 x monatlich und nach jedem Batterietausch durchgeführt werden Das Gerät führt alle 32 Sek einen Selbsttest durch Sie erkennen dies am kurzen Aufblinken der LED Abb H1 Bei einer Fehlfunktion piept der Melder ca alle 32 Sek abwechselnd zum Aufblinken der roten LED Hinweis Der Zeitraum zwischen den Pieptönen kann auch erheblich länger sein als 32 Sek Um die Fehlfunktion zu beheben e...

Страница 2: ... and battery If everything is operating correctly the alarm will be loud and pulsating Perform a test at least once a month and every time you replace the batteries The device automatically performs a test every 32 seconds The LED Fig H1 flashes briefly to indicate this If the detector is faulty the red LED will flash approx every 32seconds alternately with the audible signal Note The interval betwee...

Страница 3: ...ppareil fonctionne bien le signal d alarme est puissant et répétitif Procédez à ce test une fois par mois et après chaque changement de pile Le détecteur procède à un test automatique toutes les 32 s Cette opération se manifeste par un court clignotement de la LED fig H1 En cas de dysfonctionnement le détecteur émet un bip toutes les 32 secondes environ en alternance avec le clignotement de la LED ...

Страница 4: ...aand en na het vervangen van de batterij worden uitgevoerd Om de 32 seconden voert het apparaat een zelftest uit Dit herkent u aan het kort oplichten van het LED lampje fig H1 Bij een storing piept de melder om de 32 seconden en knippert het rode LED lampje afwisselend met de pieptoon Opmerking De tijd tussen de pieptonen kan ook aanzienlijk langer duren dan 32 seconden Om de storing te verhelpen n...

Страница 5: ... e dopo ogni sostituzione della batteria Il dispositivo esegue un test automatico ogni 32 secondi Si riconosce dal breve lampeggiare del LED Fig H1 In caso di malfunzionamento il rilevatore emette un suono ogni 32 secondi alternandosi al lampeggiare del LED rosso Nota L intervallo tra i segnali acustici può essere anche molto più lungo di 32 secondi Per eliminare il malfunzionamento scollegare la ...

Страница 6: ...ueba una vez al mes y después de cambiar la pila El equipo realiza una autocomprobación cada 32 segundos El usuario lo reconoce por el breve parpadeo del LED Fig H1 En caso de malfuncionamiento el detector emite un pitido cada 32 segundos alternativamente con el parpadeo del LED rojo Advertencia El espacio de tiempo entre los pitidos también se puede ajustar en mucho más de 32 segundos Para subsan...

Страница 7: ...as varje månad och efter varje batteribyte Apparaten genomför ett självtest var 32 a sekund Detta visar sig genom en kort blinkning med LED n fig H1 Om ett fel har uppstått piper detektorn ungefär var 32 a sekund omväxlande med att den röda LED n blinkar OBS Tiden mellan pipsignalerna kan också vara betydligt längre än 32 sekunder Du återställer feltillståndet genom att ta ut batteriet under 10 min...

Страница 8: ...minst én gang i måneden og hver gang batteriet er skiftet ut Enheten utfører en selvtest hvert 32 sekund LED en fig H1 blinker kort for å indikere at testen pågår Ved feilfunksjon piper detektoren cirka hvert 32 sekund skiftevis med at den røde LED en blinker Merk Intervallet mellom pipetonene kan også være betraktelig lenger enn 32 sekunder For å utbedre feilfunksjonen tar du ut batteriet i 10 min...

Страница 9: ...atet gennemfører en selvtest hvert 32 sekund Det ses ved at LED en lyser kortvarigt op fig H1 Ved fejlfunktion bipper alarmen med ca 32 sek mellemrum skiftevis med at den røde LED blinker Bemærk Intervallet mellem bippene kan også være væsentligt længere end 32 sek For at afhjælpe en fejlfunktion skal du tage batteriet ud i 10 min Når batteriet er tilsluttet igen trykkes på prøvetasten figur H1 indt...

Страница 10: ...ääninen ja jaksoittainen Testi tulee tehdä kerran kuukaudessa sekä jokaisen paristonvaihdon jälkeen Laite suorittaa itsetestauksen 32 sekunnin välein Se näkyy LEDin lyhyenä välähtämisenä kuva H1 Toimintahäiriön sattuessa ilmaisin piippaa noin 32 sekunnin välein vuorotellen punaisen LEDin vilkkumisen kanssa Huomautus Piippausten välinen aikaväli voi olla myös huomattavasti pidempi kuin 32 s Virheto...

Страница 11: ...мены аккумулятора Каждые 32 секунды прибор осуществляет самопроверку Об этом свидетельствует короткое мигание светодиода рис H1 В случае сбоя детектор каждые 32 секунды издает звуковой сигнал попеременно с миганием красного светодиода Примечание Временной промежуток между сигналами может быть существенно дольше 32 секунд Для устранения сбоя извлеките аккумулятор на 10 минут После того как аккумуля...

Страница 12: ...έλεγχος θα πρέπει να εκτελείται μία φορά το μήνα και μετά από κάθε αλλαγή μπαταρίας Η συσκευή εκτελεί κάθε 32 δευτ έναν αυτοέλεγχο Αυτό το αναγνωρίζετε από το ότι η LED αναβοσβήνει σύντομα εικ H1 Σε περίπτωση δυσλειτουργίας ο ανιχνευτής ηχεί περίπου κάθε 32 δευτ εναλλάξ με το αναβόσβημα της κόκκινης LED Υπόδειξη Το χρονικό διάστημα ανάμεσα στους οξείς ήχους μπορεί να είναι και μεγαλύτερο από 32 δε...

Страница 13: ...terijas nomaiņas Ierīce ik pa 32 sek veic automātisku pašpārbaudi Tas ir redzams pēc LED att H1 īslaicīgas iemirgošanās Ja ir darbības traucējumi detektors pīkst apm ik pēc 32 sek pārmaiņus ar sarkanas LED mirgošanu Norādījums Pārtraukums starp skaņas signāliem var būt arī ievērojami ilgāks nekā 32 sek Lai novērstu nepareizu darbību izņemiet bateriju uz 10 min Pēc tam kad atkal esat pievienojuši b...

Страница 14: ...krinimo bandymą atlikite vieną kartą per mėnesį ir po kiekvieno baterijos pakeitimo Prietaisas automatiškai pasitikrina kas 32 sek Tai matoma iš LED diodo trumpo mirktelėjimo H1 pav Esant veikimo sutrikimui jutiklis apytikriai kas 32 sek pypsės ir pakaitomis mirksės raudonas LED diodas Pastaba Laikas tarp pyptelėjimų gali būti ir gerokai ilgesnis nei 32 sek Norėdami pašalinti veikimo gedimą 10 min...

Страница 15: ...ałanie komory dymnej elektronicznych układów analizujących i baterii Przy prawidłowym działaniu układów alarm jest głośny i pulsujący Test należy przeprowadzać raz w miesiącu i po każdej wymianie baterii Urządzenie co 32 sekundy przeprowadza test samoczynny Można to rozpoznać po krótkim błyśnięciu diody LED rys H1 W przypadku nieprawidłowego działania czujka co 32 sekundy piszczy naprzemiennie z b...

Страница 16: ... un autotest la fiecare 32 secunde Îl puteţi recunoaște prin scurta iluminare intermitentă a LED ului Fig H1 În cazul unei funcţionări defectuoase detectorul emite un semnal sonor la intervale de cca 32 secunde alternativ iluminării intermitente a LED ului roșu Indicaţii Intervalul de timp dintre semnalele acustice poate fi considerabil mai lung de 32 secunde Pentru înlăturarea unei erori scoateţi b...

Страница 17: ...je alarm glasen in pulzirajoč Test je potrebno izvesti 1x mesečno in po vsaki zamenjavi baterij Naprava vsakih 32 sekund izvede samodejno testiranje To boste opazili s kratkim utripom LED diode sl H1 Pri nepravilnem delovanju javljalnik zapiska pribl vsakih 32 sekund in izmenično zasveti rdeča LED dioda Napotek Čas med piski je lahko znatno daljši kot 32 sekund Če želite nepravilno delovanje odpra...

Страница 18: ...j elektroniky a batérie Pri riadnej funkcii je alarm hlasný a pulzujúci Test by sa mal vykonávať 1x mesačne a po každej výmene batérie Zariadenie vykoná cca každých 32 sekúnd automatický test Zistíte to podľa krátkeho zablikania LED obr H1 Pri chybnej funkcii hlásič pípa cca každých 32 sekúnd striedavo s blikaním červenej LED Upozornenie Čas medzi pípnutiami môže byť aj podstatne dlhší než 32 sekú...

Страница 19: ...elektroniky a baterie Funguje li přístroj správně je alarm hlasitý a pulzuje Test by měl být prováděn 1x měsíčně a po každé výměně baterie Přístroj provede každých 32 vteřin samotest Ten je indikován krátkým bliknutím LED diody obr H1 V případě chybné funkce hlásič cca každých 32 vteřin zapípá střídavě s blikáním červené LED diody Upozornění Časový interval mezi pípáním může být i výrazně delší ne...

Страница 20: ...esi yüksek ve titreşimlidir Test ayda bir kez ve her pil değişiminden sonra tekrarlanmalıdır Aygıt 32 saniyede bir otomatik test gerçekleştirir LED ışığın kısa bir şekilde yanıp sönmesinden bunu anlayabilirsiniz Şekil H1 Arıza durumunda dönüşümlü olarak dedektörün kırmızı LED ışığı yanıp söner ve yaklaşık 32 saniyede bir uyarı sesi verir Not Uyarı sesleri arasındaki süre 32 saniyeden çok daha uzun...

Страница 21: ...kell elvégezni és minden elemcsere után A készülék 32 másodpercenként ellenőrzi önmagát Ez a LED H1 ábra rövid felvillanásából látható Hiba esetén a jelző 32 másodpercenként a piros LED felvillanásával felváltva csipog Megjegyzés A csipogó hangok közötti idő 32 másodpercnél lényegesen hosszabb is lehet A hiba elhárításához az elemet legalább 10 percre vegye ki Miután visszahelyezte az elemet nyomj...
