The CSK-Touch digital room corrector enables room temperature control and the heating circuit is
switched ON and OFF according to the set room temperature and schedules. In addition to
measuring and correcting the room temperature, this room corrector allows you to set the min.
accumulation (buffer) tank temperatures and boiler and domestic hot water (DHW) temperatures if
any, and setting of schedules for the heating circuit.
CSK-Touch can be connected directly to BioTec Plus boilers only via the CM WiFi box or via a
router using the CM WiFi box. Wire connection directly to the boiler is not possible.
The digital room corrector can be connected to BioTec Plus via a CM2K module (if any). The
connection to CM2K can be: wired (2 wires), wireless via a CM WiFi box or via a home router. For
more details on how to connect the CSK-Touch, see "Technical instructions for installation, use and
maintenance CSK-Touch digital room corrector".
7.0 CSK-Touch (additional equipment) - only for authorized service
technicians - possible from the software version "v1.10"
In menu 11, when configuring an individual heating circuit in the "Corrector" menu, it is necessary to
select "CSK-Touch" and select its unique address in the "Addr. dig. corrector" menu.
To configure the CSK-Touch corrector, it is necessary to configure the heating mixing circuits
(on the boiler and/or CM2K module), which must be done by an authorized service technician
(by entering the PIN in the Installation menu.)
Enable the corrector in the heating circuit
Select the type of corrector used
Select a unique address dig. corrector
When connected directly to the boiler,
the "Circuit 0" must be selected when
configuring the heating circuit on the
CSK-Touch (additional equipment)
Technical instructions CONTROL UNIT
BioTec Plus