Step 3: Remove any unneeded UPPER DIE fingers.
Step 4. Raise and lower the MOVING CUTTER PLATE and use the block of wood to adjust the
alignment of the UPPER DIE fingers.
Step 5: Tighten the UPPER DIE HEX SCREWS.
Removal and Installation of Upper Cutting Blade
Step 1: Remove the HEX SCREWS (#56) from the upper cutting BLADE (#23) as shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2 — Upper Blade Removal
Step 2: Remove the upper cutting BLADE.
Step 3: Align the upper cutting BLADE so that it is flush with the MOVING CUTTER PLATE
(#11) and secure with its SCREWS.
Adjustment of Upper Blade
Step 1: Place a 30” piece of thin cardboard or paper between the UPPER and LOWER
BLADES (#23).
Step 2: Rotate the HANDLE (#18) and cut the material.
Step 3: Use a straightedge to determine the straightness of the cut and if the BLADE is in need
of adjustment.
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