To change the Minimum Set Point,
until °F” blinks
The “Set” temperature will blink three
times to indicate confirmation
The recommended Minimum Set Point
range is 53 - 60°F. To change the
Temperature Differential, see “Advanced
Operation” later in this chapter.
Energy Saver Buttons
To activate and deactivate the “Energy Saver”
mode, press the “Energy Saver” button.
The “Energy Saver” indicator light will turn on
when the cooling unit is in “Energy Saver” mode.
In “Energy Saver” mode, the Minimum Set Point
increases 4°F and the Temperature Differential is
Quick Chill Button
To activate the “Quick Chill” mode, press the
“Up” / “Quick Chill” button for three seconds.
T o d e a ct iv at e “ Qu i ck C h il l” , pr e ss “ Qu ic k
C h i ll ” b u t t o n f or t hr e e s e c o nds ag ai n .
The “Quick Chill” indicator light will turn on
when the cooling unit is in “Quick Chill” mode.
In the “Quick Chill” mode, the cooling unit will
run continuously for 6 hours (or until the intake
temperature registers 50°F). This mode is useful
after loading “warm” bottles in a cellar.