- Any USB volume with unrecognised format layout (such as for example Macintosh or
Linux formatted pen, unless dedicated drivers or utilities are installed), with a
Unknown Volume
» message and an icon “?”,
- Any unformatted USB volume, with a «
Unformatted Volume
» message.
Internal volumes (hard disks), network volumes and the Dongle will never be listed. A
Flash Memory card reader (SD, CF or other) will be displayed only if a card is present.
Please, note that columns are width resizable (except for the first) by clicking on
separator line of headers. Clicking down, drag this separator toward right or left, in
order to increase or reduce column width.
Attention! Every selected volume will be concerned by the running task, in
particular for the format task. Only a write-protected volume will not be
modified or erased.
It could be useful (even essential) to find easily the “failed key(s)” thru the 7 to 60
connected ones.The first way consists in clicking on the line of the key in the main
window, pressing the "Alt" key. This will make the concerned key(s) LED blinking, if it has
one. LED stops flashing after delay expires (See Preferences to define the duration) or
by pressing the "Esc" key. The second one consists in using the "Flash checked keys" in
the Edit menu. This makes possible to see all failed keys at the same time.
Of course, this implies that used keys have a LED. For keys without LED, the GUI
fortunately is your friend. The X line of the list corresponds to the X device in the X
port. In addition, the location of devices is displayed the same in the GUI, with a device
icon, a red LED (no device) or blue one (device plugged in). Making one or several
devices flash, matching LEDs in the GUI alternatively get red and blue.
Notice that GUI LEDs are flashing even when no device is plugged in the port, making it
easy to locate any port on the DupliKey.
Since version 2.0.5, a faulty device is graphically displayed with an icon “Attention” (road
sign with an exclamation mark).
• Keys counters:
The two fields named "Number of copies to run:" and "Copies done"
are respectively representing the number of keys you want to duplicate or format and
the number of copies successfully done from the beginning of the task.
Only the first field can be modified. Just click in it and type in the new value.
The second one is incremented by software during duplication task. Nevertheless, you
may want to "reset" it to zero, after validation of a confirmation message, or type in
manually a new value for "Copies done". Click in the field, a confirmation message is
displayed, validate then type in the new value. Validate with the Tab key (or by clicking in
another field). The new value is saved in the currently opened configuration file (Please,
see below). If no file is opened, the configuration file saving dialog is displayed.
• Source folder:
Using the TabPanel located in the middle of the right part of the
window, first select the copy mode tab, between “Files/Folders copy” and “Disk Image
copy”. In the “Files/Folders copy” tab, select either :