Technicalinst. guide
Limpido XC2
This menu gives access to the production settings.
Prod. mode AUTO
Used to selected the production mode (see below).
TH = 15°f
Used to enter the TAS/TH value (configurable from 10 to
50°f) to adapt the polarity reversal time to the water alkalinity
and hardness. To protect the electrolysis cell service life, too
frequent polarity reversals should be avoided. It is therefore
advisable to adapt polarity reversal frequency to actual needs.
The TAS (Total Alkaline Strength) and the TH (Total Hard-
ness) are values that give an idea of water hardness and the
risks of scale deposits in the cell. Polarity reversal frequency
will be calculated using this value. The value is characteristic
of the water's geological origin and does not vary much. It
only needs to be measured when the device is started for the
first time, or after a change of water. It is measured using the
strips from the analysis kit. The value read on the strip must
be entered into the device.
Mini temp. = 15°C
Used to enter the minimum temperature from which the elec-
trolysis device will start producing in PROG and AUTO
mode. Below this temperature, in both operating modes the
device will not produce chlorine (configurable from 5 to
SHOCK run = 20h
Used to configure the duration of a "SHOCK" production cy-
cle. Once this time period is over, the device automatically
returns to AUTO mode (configurable from 8 to 24 hours).
Cover run = 2h
Used to set the cycle time when the pool cover is closed (con-
figurable from 1 to 12 hours).
Prog. hours =8h
Used to set the production time (configurable from 1 to 24
hours): This setting defines production time in PROG mode
(in AUTO mode the time is calculated by the device).
The different production modes are the following:
• OFF: Chlorine production is disabled.
• ON: Chlorine production is permanent whenever a flow is detected. the SHOCK function is rec-
ommended rather than the ON function when a shock treatment is needed (in SHOCK mode,
once the programmed time is over, the device automatically switches to AUTO mode). Closing
the cover has no effect on this mode.
• PROG: Chlorine production will occur every day for the number of hours programmed in the
"Prog. hours" menu. If the cover is closed, the number of hours of production will be the number
entered on the "Cover cycle" menu