BRIO-A300C 21/03/2011
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Dimensions: 155x155x130mm
Weight: 2 kg
Power supply Voltage: 230V AC 50/60Hz
Safety cut-off
Package contents
Radio frequency remote control unit 4
channels 433MHz
3 cable glands for cable entry
A fuse, 5x20 T3, 15A integrated
The kit comes in the form of a "BRIO A300C" box with a radio-frequency
remote control. The CPL module offers many advantages for controlling
your BRIO-WX line of lights.
- Synchronising all the WX lights
- Radio-frequency remote control
- Selection of animation programmes
- Audio synchronisation to the beat of the music
- Random programmes
Electrical connections
The power is supplied by 230V AC 50/60Hz. A 3 points on the terminal
are pre-wired on the cabinet and ends in a 12V terminal multipoint.
All the connection points are connected together.