VRC2100 Vending Reader
Installation Guide
Show IP addr after ’RING’ (N) ?
Auto increment source port (N) ?
Remote IP Address: (010) .(160) .(013) .(080)
This setting must
match the Odyssey IP address.
Remote Port (3770) ?
This setting must match the Odyssey Port
number in Port Setup.
DisConnMode (80) ?
FlushMode (80) ?
Pack Cntrl (00) ?
DisConnTime (00:00) ?
SendChar 1 (00) ?
SendChar 2 (00) ?
5 Expert
to set the TCP Keepalive settings:
TCP Keepalive time in s (1s - 65s; 0s=disable): (65) ?
This results in 60 seconds.
ARP Cache timeout in s (1s - 600s): (600) ?
CPU performance (0=Regular, 1=Low, 2=High): (0) ?
Disable Monitor Mode @ bootup (Y) ?
RS485 tx enable active level (0=low; 1=high): (0) ?
HTTP Port Number: (80) ?
SMTP Port Number: (25) ?
MTU Size (512 - 1400): (1400) ?
Enable alternate MAC (N) ?
Ethernet connection type: (0) ?
6 Security
to disable some ports for security reasons:
Disable SNMP (Y) ?
Disable Telnet Setup (N) ?
Disable TFTP Firmware Update (N) ?
Disable Port 77FEh (N) ?
Disable Web Server (N) ?
Disable Web Setup (N) ?
Disable ECHO ports (N) ?
Enable Enhanced Password (N) ?
Disable Port 77F0h (N) ?
to save your settings and exit. The XPORT will be rebooted
and will start operating.