3–Driver Installation
Installing VMware Driver Software
AH0054602-00 J
iSCSI Support
The QLogic VMware iSCSI qedil Host Bus Adapter (HBA) driver, similar to qedf, is
a kernel mode driver that provides a translation layer between the VMware SCSI
stack and the QLogic iSCSI firmware and hardware. The qedil driver leverages
the services provided by the VMware iscsid infrastructure for session
management and IP services.
The iSCSI interface supported by the QL41
Adapters is a dependent
hardware interface that relies on networking services, iSCSI configuration,
and management interfaces provided by VMware. The iSCSI interface
includes two components: a network adapter and an iSCSI engine on the
same interface. The iSCSI engine appears on the list of storage adapters as
an iSCSI adapter (vmhba). For services such as ARP and DHCP needed by
iSCSI, the iSCSI vmhba uses the services of the vmnic device created by
the qedil driver. The vmnic is a thin dummy implementation intended to
provide L2 functionality for iSCSI to operate. Do not configure, assign to a
virtual switch, or use the vmnic in any manner for carrying regular
networking traffic. The actual NIC interfaces on the adapter will be claimed
by the qedentv driver, which is a fully-functional NIC driver.