CANplus CP750-E
Control Panel Operation Manual
*Patent Pending
Revision B
3.2 Gauge Pages
There are four independently configurable pages of analogy gauges. To enable Analog Gauge Pages, press any
of the first four buttons to show the top-level button bar and then press button 1 to cycle through the pages. The
current page is indicated by the number in the center of the screen, as shown below.
Some items like Engine Hours are displayed only as a digital value.
All 16 gauges may be configured to create an application-specific view of the data. With Tech or Admin level
access, the four(4) gauge pages can be configured using the following menu:
Quad Gauge Pages
3.3 Status and Autostart Gauge
To the left of the configurable gauges are the Status gauge (top left) and the Autostart gauge (bottom left), as
shown below.
The Status gauge shows the status of many of the emissions-related features as well as date, time, and signal