Third Edition, Nov 2016
ACS V4.2
Section E. Seam Measurement
Seam Troubleshooting
After evaluating your seam height, body and cover hooks you might find that your measurements are not within the
specified tolerances. If this is the case you need to make some changes to your seaming operations.
This could include the spacing of the dies, the speed at which they come into the can, or the height of the lift table. You
can refer to the troubleshooting guide below in Table 9 to diagnose what is the cause of your problem and the adjustment
required to fix it.
Seam Issue
Body/Cover Damage
Dies are impacting the can and moving into the chuck too fast
Dies are set too close to the chuck
Long Seam Height
Die #1 set too far from the chuck
Die #2 set too close to the chuck
Short Body Hook
Lift table set too low
Die #1 set too close to the chuck
Die #2 set too far from the chuck
Long Body Hook
Lift table set too high
Die #1 set too far from the chuck
Short Cover Hook
Lift table set too high
Die #1 set too far from the chuck
Long Cover Hook
Die #1 set too close to the chuck.
Table 9 Common seam issues and problem resolution
Figure 37 Seam roll process: first and second operation seams
Seam Specifications
Ball Can Seam Specifications
These specifications will vary depending on the kind of can 'end' and the particular format of can being used. Check with
Ball to be sure you have the right seam specifications for your can and end format. For the typical 12oz (355mL), 16oz
(473mL) and 500 ml Ball cans however the following Setup Parameters generally apply.
Dimension ± Tolerance
First Operation Seam thickness
0.076” ± 0.002”
Second Operation Seam thickness
0.044” ± 0.002”
Seam Height
0.098” ± 0.002”
Cover Hook
0.060” ± 0.005”
Body Hook
0.065” ± 0.005”
Table 10 Can Seam Specifications
Note: the above dimensions are standard for 12oz (355mL), 16oz (473mL) and 500 ml Ball cans; however, if you are using
another format, can size or manufacturer, please refer to the manufacturer’s specification sheet for proper values.