1. Shutoff inlet block valve.
2. Allow sufficient time for the line pressure down-
stream of the inlet block valve to bleed down.
3. Shutoff the outlet block valve.
4. Relieve any trapped upstream and downstream
pressure and loading pres sure from PGR-2.
5. The regulator may now be removed from the
pipe line or disassembled for inspection and pre-
ven ta tive main te nance while in-line.
A. General:
1. The main regulator body may be serviced
without re mov ing the regulator from pipeline.
The reg u la tor is designed with quick-change
trim to simplify maintenance.
2. Record the name plate information to req-
ui si tion repair parts for the regulator. This
in for ma tion should include: size, Serial
Number, and Product Code.
3. Refer to Section IX for recommended repair
parts. Only use original equipment parts
sup plied by Cashco for re build ing or re pair-
ing reg u la tors.
4. Owner should refer to owner's procedures
for removal, handling, cleaning and disposal
of nonreusable parts, i.e. gaskets, etc.
On regulators originally supplied as
“special clean” – Opt-56, maintenance must
include a level of cleanliness equal to Cashco
cleaning standard #S-1542.
B. Main Valve Disassembly:
1. Securely install the body (1) in a vise with the
loading chamber (33) directed upwards.
2. Draw or embed a match mark between body
casting (1) and loading chamber (33) along
flanged area.
SYSTEM UNDER PRESSURE. Prior to per form ing any
maintenance, isolate the reg u la tor from the system and
relieve all pressure. Failure to do so could result in
personal injury.
3. Remove all diaphragm nuts (9) and bolts (8).
4. Remove loading chamber (33), pressure plate
(3) and diaphragm(s) (12).
Refer to the
quan tity of diaphragms (12) in cor po rat ed per
the bill of materials listing. Depending on outlet
pres sure level, multiple metal diaph ragms may
be “stacked”.
5. Remove pusher plate (11) and inspect for a
fit which limits its travel to a vertical direction.
Wear will show as ex ces sive wobble in push er
plate (11). If apparent, recommend trim
removal and inspection; go to Sub-Sec tion C
fol low ing. Re in stall pusher plate (11).
6. Inspect pressure plate (3) to ensure no
de for ma tion due to over-pressurization. If
de formed, replace.
7. Clean body (1) and diaphragm flange.
On regulators originally supplied as “ox y gen
clean”, Option 55, main tenance must include
a level of clean li ness equal to Cashco cleaning
standard #S-1134.
8. Position diaphragm(s) (12) into place. Vi su al ly
center pres sure plate (3) onto diaphragm(s)
9. Aligning the matchmarks, place loading
cham ber (33) over the above stacked parts.
Install all bolts (8) and nuts (9) by hand
tightening. Mechanically tighten bolting (8 & 9)
in a cross pattern that allows loading cham ber
(33) to be pulled down evenly. Apply 16-20
Ft-Lbs torque to
nish tightening bolts.
Never replace bolting (8 & 9) with just any
bolting if lost. Bolt heads and nuts are marked
with specification identification mark ings. Use only
proper grades as replacements
10. Spray liquid leak detector around bolting (8
& 9) and body (1) and loading chamber (33)
flang es and test for leak age. En sure that an