General specification - Biodiesel usage
Biodiesel usage in CASE IH products
Introduction to Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) biodiesel
FAME biodiesel, called biodiesel fuel in the following section, consists of a family of fuels derived from vegetable oils
treated with methyl esters.
There are two main biodiesel fuel types: Rapeseed Methyl Ester (RME) and Soybean Methyl Ester (SME). RME is a
blend of rapeseed and sunflower methyl ester, and is the preferred crop in Europe. SME is the preferred crop in the
United States.
Biodiesel fuel is a renewable alternative fuel source. Its use and development is promoted worldwide, especially in
Europe and in the United States.
Your emissions control system is compatible with up to
biodiesel fuel (B7). Be aware that the use of
biodiesel fuel that does not comply with the standards mentioned in this section could lead to severe damage to the
engine, fuel system or aftertreatment system of your machine. The use of non-approved fuels may void CASE IH
Warranty coverage.
Biodiesel can be used to run Tier 4b diesel engines only when blended with standard diesel fuel:
• B5: indicates the blend of
biodiesel and
diesel fuel.
• B7: indicates the blend of
biodiesel and
diesel fuel.
• B20: indicates the blend of
biodiesel and
diesel fuel. DO NOT USE!
Biodiesel fuel has several positive features in comparison with diesel fuel:
• Biodiesel fuel adds lubricity to the fuel, which is beneficial in many circumstances, particularly as sulfur and aro-
matics are removed from the fuel.
• Biodiesel has a greater cetane number and burns cleaner.
• Biodiesel produces less particulate matter and reduces smoke emissions.
• Biodiesel is fully biodegradable and non-toxic.
Diesel and biodiesel fuel specifications
Tier 4b diesel fuel specifications are covered by the following:
, Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils. (15 ppm sulfur maximum.)
Biodiesel blends are covered by:
• United States Diesel Fuel Specification
ASTM D6751
allows up to
biodiesel since 2009. United States fuel
suppliers are allowed to use up to
biodiesel fuel (B5) to supply the network.
• United States Biodiesel Fuel Specification
ASTM D7467-09
provides specifications for diesel and biodiesel blends.
Pure biodiesel blend stock (B100) specification is covered by the following requirements:
ASTM D6751
- Standard specification for biodiesel fuel blend stock (B100) for middle distillate fuels.
specification has been updated to improve the quality of biodiesel in the market place.
Before raw oil can be converted into usable biodiesel fuel, it must undergo transesterification to remove glycerides.
During the transesterification process, the oil reacts with an alcohol to separate the glycerine from the fat or vegetable
oil. This process leaves behind two products: methyl ester (the chemical name for biodiesel) and glycerine (a byprod-
uct usually sold for use in soaps or other products).
Biodiesel fuels approved for use in the CASE IH equipment must be transesterified and comply with the
North America Standard
ASTM D6751
Cold Pressed Biodiesel, Cold Pressed Oil, Straight Vegetable Oil (SVO), or more generally unrefined veg-
etable oils used as motor fuel, are fuels that are normally made from Rapeseed oil or similar high oil content crops.
These kinds of fuel are not transesterified, so they do not fulfil the
ASTM D6751
requirements. There is no recog-
nized quality standard available for these types of fuel. Therefore the use of Cold Pressed Biodiesel, Cold Pressed
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