Line Thermal Printer DEP-50
User’s Manual
ESC 3 n
Setting line feed rate of minimum pitch
[1Bh] + [33h] + n
{0 <= n <= FFh}
The line feed rate per line is specified by n/203 inch.
The initial value is n = 34 (1/6 inch) (22H), being 4.23 mm line feed rate.
ESC > n
Set Factory Defaults
[1Bh] + [3Eh] + n
{0 <= n <= FFh}
This command writes the current code tables, the intensity level and
the current printing speed into the flash memory. These values will
be retrieved at first power up or after a power failure.
• Value of
doesn’t matter. It is left for compatibility purpose.
• The initial values are: code tables 0 (US American CP437),
intensity level 100%, maximum printing speed.
is not printed
ESC = n
Data Input Control
[1Bh] + [3D] + n
{0 <= n <= FFh}
Selecting equipment in which data input from the host is effective.
Only bit 0 is defined
Value 0: Selected
Value 1: Not selected
When the printer has not been selected, this printer abandons all
the received data until it is selected by this command.
Even when the printer has not been selected, it can become
BUSY state through printer operation.
When the printer is deselected, this printer discards all the data
until it is selected with this command.
The initial value of n is “1”.
[Sample Program]
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1B) + “=” + CHR$ (0);
LPRINT “aaaaa” + CHR$ (&HA);
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1B) + “=” + CHR$ (1);
Restore saved to nonvolatile RAM settings
[1Bh] + [40h]
Clears data stored in the print buffer and brings various
settings to the initial state.
Data inside the internal input buffer are not cleared.
The current code tables, print intensity and printing speed are not
If switch 5 is OFF, the command clears the downloaded font and
bit image too.
[See also]
ESC ^ and ESC _
[Sample Program]
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1B) + “ ! “ + CHR$ (&H30) ;
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1B) + “V” + CHR$ (1);
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1B) + “@”;
[Print Results]
[Print Results]