Breakers for the auto bilge pumps, the auto sump pump, CO detectors, stereo memory, high water alarm, Volvo
Seakey Telemetric equipment, windlass, electric head, oil charger and electric shifts is located on the engine
room fore bulkhead, portside. Of particular importance to the charterer is the windlass breaker and the
bilge/sump pumps.
Marine Toilet
It is important that every member of the crew be informed on the proper use of the MARINE
TOILET. The valves, openings, and pumps are small and may clog easily. If the toilet clogs, it is
Always pump the head for children, so you can make sure nothing foreign is being flushed.
put paper towels, tampons, Kleenex, sanitary napkins, household toilet paper, or
food into the marine toilet. Use only the special dissolving marine toilet tissue provided by AYC.
Bulls Eye has a vacuum flush toilet. When the foot peddle attached to the toilet is depressed, the
cacuum sucks the waste out of the toilet and moves it to the holding tank. To wet the bowl prior to
use, lift the foot peddle with your toe. It uses fresh water and the fresh water pump must be ‘on’ as
well. After flushing the toilet will partially fill with the fresh water in preparation for the next use.
Holding Tank