The FRESH WATER TANK holds 86 gallons. Observe the water level by turning on “water
monitor” switch on D.C. panel and reading “water level gauge” on the same panel. Waste water from
the sinks and showers drains overboard through various thru-hulls usually located under the sinks.
To refill the tank, remove the WATER CAP(S) located on the cockpit wall, port side. Avoid
flushing debris from the deck into the tank opening. DO NOT fill water and diesel at the same time!
Fresh Water Pressure Pump
The WATER PRESSURE PUMP is located under the cockpit hatch, center aft. Activate pump at the
DC panel by turning on the breaker. If the water pump continues to run, you are either out of water
or might have an air lock and need to bleed the system by opening up a faucet. If you run out of
water SHUT OFF YOUR HOT WATER HEATER on the AC panel. Serious damage can occur!
Hot Water Tank
The HOT WATER HEATER has an 11 gallon capacity tank and is available when connected to
shore power or via a heat exchanger underway. To use on shore power, flip on the water heater
circuit breaker on the AC electrical panel. Do not use the water heater if the water tank level is very
low. The water heater is located outside of starboard engine, aft end.
Before taking a SHOWER, make sure the water pressure and shower sump breaker is on. Take only
very short “boat” showers (turning off water between soaping up and rinsing). To keep shower tidy
wipe down the shower stall and floor. Check for accumulation of hair in the shower and sink drains.
Ensure that the faucets and nozzle are completely off after use.
The stove is electric and is activated by the following steps:
Turn on the “range” breaker “on” the AC panel Turn on the individual burner elements.
While using the range, limit the use of the other electrical appliances. There is only a 30 A incoming
The REFRIGERATOR is dual voltage (12-volt and 110-volt power). It will automatically use 110-
volt power when the shore power is connected; otherwise, it will operate on 12-volt power. Monitor
the use of the refrigerator when the engines are not charging the 12-volt battery system. The local
power switch is located below the front door. It can be turned down to the lowest position when
anchored or moored or turned off when turning in for the night.