The BARBECUE and MOUNTING BRACKET are stored in the cockpit starbird locker.
Place the BBQ by clamping on the port rail. Reverse the procedure to dismount barbecue. Attach a
PROPANE BOTTLE to the REGULATOR found in the lower cabinet at the salon enterance.
Carefully light the unit, preferably with a long-stem butane lighter. The barbecue generates a lot of
heat and cooks hot and fast. Store the barbecue unit back in the locker. Please wipe with a paper
towel before storing to prevent grease and dirt soiling the boat..
Note: Propane bottles are not stocked by AYC. You will need to purchase one if extras are not found
on board. Caution -- For safety reasons, do not store an opened propane bottle within the salon or
engine compartment. Chances are these will leak slightly once opened and propane gas could settle
into low spaces. Store these bottles in the starboard locker. Ensure gasoline and flammable
materials are not near the barbecue.
Every dinghy hoist is different. Explain yours thoroughly.
Your inflatable DINGHY is stored in brackets on the swim deck. It has a capacity of about 1263
pounds (motor, equipment, and 4 people).
To deploy the dinghy, clip the snap clip of the DINGHY ROPE to the handle near the oarlock, and
route the line through the pulley block on the bridge ladder, then the pulley block on the line.
Holding the dinghy and the line, detach the STANDOFF BARS, and lower the dinghy with the line
into the water, noting that the dinghy gets heavier as it nears the water.