When towing your dinghy, always keep it tight to the boat any time that you slow down or stop,
Assign one of your crew members as the “dinghy” person to be responsible for taking up slack. You
don’t want to wrap a propeller.
Coast Guard regulations state that any child 14 and under must wear a life jacket in a dinghy. It is a
good idea for EVERYONE to follow this rule.
Always check the fishing and crabbing requirements before you leave on your cruise. You will need
a license. Many areas are CLOSED to crabbing and fishing on certain months.
CRAB AWAY FROM THE BOAT! Lines can get wrapped around props. Fish-flavored cat food
with the pop-up ringed lids work the best for a nice neat way to bait the ring. After 15-20 minutes,
retrieve the crab line and ring quickly. Measure the crabs using the CRAB MEASURING GAUGE
normally located in the cockpit port locker. Keep the male crabs of proper size (usually 6 ¼ inches
across the carapace). Boil crabs about 12 minutes to cook.
After using, wash equipment thoroughly with fresh water (available from the cockpit shower faucet).
Note -- Please do not store wet rings and gear inside the boat.
OTHER: Safety & Bilge Pumps
SAFETY should be paramount in your daily cruising. A MAN OVERBOARD DRILL should be
discussed and perhaps even practiced with a life jacket. Remember your lifejackets are stowed under
the flybridge setee. A few should always be out and ready. Your flares and safety equipment are
located in the side cabinet on the flybridge helm station.