Last functions
PQTSoft Network
Last functions
PQTSoft Network
Configuration of analogue modem and GSM
Automatic configuration of analogue modem:
it allows
the automatic configuration of the analogue modem. Follow
the instructions given in the dialogue box, then verify that
the connections related to the communication between
modem and PC are ok and finally click the “OK” button.
Automatic configuration of GSM modem:
it allows the
automatic configuration of the GSM modem. Follow the
instructions given in the dialog box, then verify that the con-
nections related to the communication between modem and
PC are ok and finally click the “OK” button.
Contact management
Selection of connections and setting of dialling properties
This function allows the management of the contact list: cre-
ate new contacts, modify them or delete them from the con-
tact list, easily clicking the related buttons.
: enter a new contact in the list.
: modify the data of the selected contact.
: delete the selected contact.
: Set the dialling properties in detail and decide whether to
use them or not when dialling the phone numbers (see dialling
properties on the following page).
The set properties relate to the dialling of all numbers
present in the list.