PQT-90 Instruction manual
Technical features
PQT-90 Instruction manual
Technical features
(OFF) according to DIN43864. Insulation by means of opto-
couplers, 4000 V
output to measuring inputs
4000 V
output to power supply input. Notes: the outputs can
be either open collector type or relay type (for the relay output refer
to the specifications described in the “alarm outputs” section).
Alarm outputs (on request):
Number of set-points: up to 4, independent
Alarm type: up alarm, down alarm, with or without latch, phase
asymmetry, phase loss, neutral loss.
Monitoring of the variable: all variables.
Set point adjustment: 0 to 100% of the displayed electrical
Hysteresis: 0 to 100% of the electrical scale
On-time delay: 0 to 255 s
Relay status: selectable between normally energized or normally
de-energized. Output type: relay, SPDT AC 1-8A, 250VAC.
DC 12-5A, 24VDC AC 15-2.5A, 250VAC DC 13-2.5A, 24VDC.
Min. response time:
150 ms, filters excluded, FFT excluded,
set-point on-time delay: ”0s”.
Insulation: 4000 V
output to measuring input, 4000V
output to power supply input. Note: the outputs can be either
relay type or open collector type (for the latter one, see the
specifications mentioned in the pulse outputs).
Operating mode selection:
direct measurements for the
power quality analysis (LV or MV/HV connection); Indirect ener-
gy and power measurements by means of watt-hour meters (LV
or MV/HV connection); direct measurements for the instanta-
neous variables (LV connection) and indirect measurements for
the energy variables (LV or MV/HV). It’s possible to add the man-
agement of gas and water metering to all of these working
Pulse weight:
water/gas meter inputs: selectable from 1 to
10000 pulses/m
, energy from 1 to 10000.00 pulses/kWh/kvarh
Static (writing only): all configuration parameters, energy reset,
activation of digital outputs.
Data format: 1 start bit, 8 data bit, no parity/even parity/ odd
parity, 1 stop bit.
Baud rate: 9600 bit/s. Insulation by means of optocouplers,
4000 V
output to measuring input, 4000 V
output to
power supply input.
RS232 (on request):
bidirectional (stat-
ic and dynamic variables). Connections: 3 wires, max. dis-
tance: 15m.
Data format: 1 start bit, 8 data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit.
Baud rate: 9600, 38400 bit/s. Protocol: MODBUS RTU
(JBUS). Other features: as per RS422/485.
Communication by modem:
analogue modem for the remote
communication of all the data measured and managed by
PQT. External communication modem (recommended type:
US Robotics ); GSM modem for the transmission of SMS mes-
sages: alarms, instantaneous variables, last available variables
of data logging (only average values) and energy meters. The
alarm messages are given with the date and the time of the
event. The type and value of the set-point can be put into the
alarm message (max 99 characters). The alarms can also be
transmitted automatically, while the variables can be recalled
by means of special SMS question codes. GSM kit type-test-
ed for PQT: Siemens kit (external) model “TC35 TERMINAL”
included GSM module, antenna and 230V power supply.
Digital outputs (on request):
to be used as alarms and/or
retransmission of the energy-gas-water metering and/or out-
puts remotely controlled by the serial communication port.
The outputs are completely programmable independently of
the type of module being used.
Pulse outputs (on request):
number of outputs: up to 4. Type:
open collector, (NPN transistor) V
1.2 VDC/ max. 100mA
30 VDC max, from 1 to 1000 programmable pulses for k-
M-G Wh, k-M-G varh. These outputs can be connected to total
and/or partial meters. Pulse duration: 220 ms (ON),
220 ms