PQTSoft Network
Automatic data download
PQTSoft Network
To interrupt the automatic control mode, double click the icon
present on the application bar. To activate the automatic con-
trol in a second time, press the button shown on the
left. The programme will disappear from the PC
screen (it will continue working in the background)
and an icon will appear on the Windows application bar as
shown on the previous page.
Manual data download
This function allows the manual download of the data stored
in the 2MB memory (AR1041) of the instrument. The
PQTSoft will question the instrument at the end of the pro-
cedure shown below.
Communication setup
Select the mode and connection type of your PC.
If you have chosen RS485, specify the number of PQTs
in the network as shown in the figure above. Once this pro-
cedure is ended, proceed with the next settings pressing the
“Next” button.
Selection of telephone number and setting of
dialling properties...
If the option “modem” has been selected in the
“Communication Setup” dialog box, then also the telephone
number to be dialled by PQTSoft for the modem connection
with PQT-90 will have to be selected among those available
in the “Contact” list.
Click the contact to select it. To proceed, press the
“Next” button.
For any further information on the contact selection and
dialling properties see page 87.