Installing Ailerons & Flaps
Collect the following parts:
(1) Wing
(2) Ailerons ( Left & Right)
(2) Flaps ( Left & Right)
(10) Mini CA hinges
Locate the pre-cut aileron and flap hinge slots
in both sides of the wing. Using a hobby knife
(#11 blade), slide the blade into each slot to
make sure it is cleanly cut.
Repeat this process with the ailerons and
flaps, making sure all hinge slots are clean.
Find the control horn slot near one end of the
Align the slot in the aileron with the servo hole
in the wing.
Insert the CA hinges half way into the wing
and the ailerons. (Use a pin inserted into the
middle of the hinge to help keep the hinge in
the middle.)
Repeat steps 1 & 2 for the flap.
Make sure that the aileron is tight against the
wing and even with the wing tip.
Using thin CA glue, place one drop on all
hinges top and bottom.
Gather the following items:
(2) 12" Servo Extension wires
(1) Wing
(4) Servos
(1) Electrical tape
Plug one 12" extension wire into a aileron
To ensure that any connections located
inside the wing will not come loose, either when the
wires are pulled, or during flying, always tape them
securely together with electrical tape.
Servo Extensions
Tie or tape the aileron extension wire end to
the string that is exiting the outer aileron servo
hole in the bottom of the wing.
Push the extension in the servo hole,
pull until the end of the 12" extension
comes out of the hole in the center of the
Tape the extension securely to the wing, so
that it will not slide back in while you are work-
Mount the aileron servo using the hardware
provided by the radio manufacture.
Repeat steps 2 & 3 for the other aileron servo.
Install the flap servos and guide the servo
wires to the center of the wing and pull out the
center hole.