Center of Gravity (CG) and rudder deflections:
The CG is located 10-20mm in front of the big wing tube.
Rudder deflections:
The SU-27/30 is flown with tailerons only. Thus you have to mix elevator and aileron function.
- Neutral position of the taileron is approximately 90-95mm from fuselage edge (see page 21)
- Elevator up: 50mm (measured at the leading edge of the taileron)
- Elevator down: 45mm (measured at the leading edge of the taileron)
- Aileron up: 40mm (measured at the leading edge of the taileron)
- Aileron down: 45mm (measured at the leading edge of the taileron)
- Rudder left/right: 30mm (measured at the bottom of the rudder)
- Flaps: 35mm for take off, 35-50mm (optionally up to max possible mechanical deflection)
landing (measured at the outside chord of the flap)
Please note:
The above values are suggestions based on the first flight tests. It is always possible to
adjust these values to your personal likings but it is advisable to start with the moderate
values given above!