Door Cylinders and Valve
For the door cylinder installation mount
under every bracket of the cylinder a 3mm
plywood with small sheet metal screws.
Cut the protruding tips off.
Connect the airlines with sufficient length
and secure them with thin safety wire if
you feel that it’s necessary.
Connect cylinder, push rod and ball head.
The short brass rod is for the nose gear
door, the long for the front main gear door.
For the rear main gear door the plastic ball
link needs to be shortened 3mm before
Connect the ball links with the M2 bolts
and nuts to the control horns as shown on
the photos. Fully extend all cylinders and
glue all cylinder’s wooden bases to the
fuselage’s sandwich skin.
Note: Opening angle for main gear doors is
45 degrees towards the outside!
Note: Before mounting the cylinder for the
rear gear door you might have to grind a
little bit away from the wood. Space for
this rear gear door cylinder is very tight.
(The photo shows a spacer between ball
link and rear main gear door control horn,
which should not be necessary anymore at
any further production kits.)