aligned centrally on the cockpit floor. Once happy, rough the
gluing surfaces up properly with coarse sandpaper, clean
with alcohol and glue in place with slow epoxy (min. 30
minute) and milled fibre mixture.
You will find that the back edge of the rudder servo mount
is almost flush with the top edge of the angled moulded
bulkhead at the back of the cockpit floor. To be really
secure, this joint can be reinforced with a length of glassfi-
bre tape and epoxy laminating resin
Fuel Tank Base
The Fuel tank base mounting plate is also assembled from
interlocking milled plywood and composite balsa sheet
parts, as shown in the photos here. The Front edge of the
plywood tank base is marked with an “F” milled into the sur-
face for your convenience.
Note that the 4 plywood parts with the radius that will fit
over the main wing spar tube sleeve are double thickness.
Glue these together with CA before installing in the slots in
the tank base. Assemble the parts with thin CA, and then
reinforce all joints with the epoxy/milled fibre mixture.
Finally this part is glued onto the fibreglass sleeve for the
main spar, after roughening it up properly, with slow epoxy
and milled fibre, checking that the slot in the vertical -bulk-
head has located on the tab on the front of the rudder
mount, which keeps everything central.
Don’t forget to give all the bare edges of the milled balsa and
plywood 1 thin coat of epoxy to fuel proof them before final-
ly gluing into the model. A 960cc Dubro tank (part #690) fits
the base perfectly, and is secured with 3 long cable-ties as
Composite-ARF Yak-55 SP
(2.6m span)
(below) 3 photos of the tank base
(above) The slot in the vertical
balsa sheet (rear bulkhead) locates
on the tab on the front edge of the
rudder servo mount.
(below) The composite balsa front
bulkhead might not look exactly
like this in production kits.
(left) General view of the complet-
ed rudder servo mounting plate
and Fuel Tank base glued in final
position on the main spar
sleeve.(Shulman 2000 scheme)