under the plate. Add a drop of Loctite to the nut before tight-
ening to make sure it is secure. Join the 4 ball-links with 2
lengths of M3 x 60mm threaded rod, not forgetting the M3
locknuts. Adjust the lengths carefully so that there is no
buzzing or humming from the servos at neutral or full throw.
When the servos are installed you can mark the positions
for the slots needed in the fuselage for the cables to exit,
using a long steel ruler and marking the position on mask-
ing tape. The back end of the slots is 550mm from the back
of the fin post, and they should be about 50mm long and
3mm high. Cut out the slots with a very sharp knife, and
adjust with a small file. Start by making the slots smaller
than this, and trial fit the closed-loop cables to check the
position for your particular rudder set-up.
Make the pull-pull wires for the rudder from the hardware
supplied, with a loop at the front that goes over the hooks
on the output arms, and a quick-link with turnbuckle and
locknut at the rudder end. For security pass the closed loop
cable through the supplied ‘crimping tubes’ 2 times before
squashing flat with pliers (see photo). Make sure that the
wires are tight, and check and adjust after the first few
flights as the cables straighten out. Even a small amount of
slop will prevent your Yak from perfect tracking.
Servo choice:
The rudder is a huge surface on the Yak-55
SP and, just like the elevators, the choice of servo is up to
you. We recommend that you use a pair of high quality dig-
ital JR8411 servos, which are quite sufficient for pattern fly-
ing and all normal manoeuvres.
However if you want the ultimate power and precision,
especially for radical 3D/Freestyle manoeuvres, we highly
recommend the new JR 8511/8611 servos - which are very
nearly the same size and weight, and almost exactly the
same price !
Composite-ARF Yak-55 SP
(2.6m span)
(above) Cut the slots for the rud-
der cables to exit, approx. 50mm
long x 3mm high. The back edge of
the slots is about 550mm from the
back of the fuselage/Fin post.
(above) With the servos connect-
ed to your R/C to centre the servos,
align the horns carefully as shown
before gluing the phenolic horns
to the plastic servo horns. Finally
secure with at least 2 small sheet-
metal screws (supplied in the kit).