Finished in 3 hours
Like the stabs, the wings are 95% finished at the factory,
and have already been installed on your fuselage to check
the alignment. Slide the wings onto the wing tube and
check for a perfect fit. You can sand the edges of the wing
roots a little if needed. If the wings don’t go on completely,
and fit snugly against the fuselage, it may be that the sup-
plied anodised 40mm diameter wing spar tube may be a
few mm too long. If so, shorten it as needed. Fit the 4 plas-
tic wing retaining nuts onto the M6 threaded wing dowels.
Each wing has 2 servos for each aileron, and the servo
hatches are already pre-moulded in the wing for you, and
supplied with matching servo covers and milled plywood
servo mounts. The 4 slots are already milled in the ailerons
for the phenolic control horns, which should be prepared
and glued in using exactly the same method as described
in the Stabiliser section. Please use slow epoxy (at least 30
minute) and a little milled fibre for this.
Important Note:
The distance from the quick-link holes in
the phenolic horns to the hinge axis line (
surface of the
wing) must be the same for the inner and outer horns.
However, because the wing/aileron is 7mm (1/4””) thinner at
the position of the outer horns, these outer horns must stick
out of the aileron 7mm
than the inner horns.
Those of you with good eyes will notice that the photos
used to explain the aileron horn templates actually show the
wing of our 2.6m Extra 330L, not the Yak, but the method is
exactly the same!
Make a horn alignment template from thin scrap plywood,
as shown, to check that the distances from the quick-link
hole to the hinge axis are exactly the same. Because of the
difference between the inner and outer horns, the easiest
way to do this is to make the template for the inner horns
and glue them both in place first, and then drill another hole
in the template 7mm higher for the outer horns, exactly on
the line drawn on the template, perpendicular to the hinge
axis. The hole for the quick-link in the inner horns should be
about 21mm from bottom surface of wing.
Sand the inside surface of the servo hatch covers, and the
milled plywood parts that make up the servo mounts to
make sure you have a good gluing surface. This is very
important ! We recommend that you mark the 4 hatch cov-
ers now so that they are always fitted in the correct posi-
tions (eg: Starboard/Right inner/outer etc).
Assemble the servo mounts from the 3 CNC milled plywood
Composite-ARF Yak-55 SP
(2.6m span)
(above) Adjust position of servo
mounts so that C-ARF servo output
arms align with aileron horns.
(above) The aileron horn template
used to position the inner horns
for gluing in place. The line is per-
pendicular to the hinge axis.
(below) Same template, with an
extra hole drilled exactly 7mm
higher, for installing outer horns.
(above) The wings have 2 mould-
ed-in pockets for the aileron servo
hatch covers in each panel.