If the pairing is successful, the signet of the device changes to blue.
The Bcon - Gaming Wearable is now connected to the PC and can be used.
If you have problems with the pairing, please visit the website for more
information: www.bcon.zone
Note: Once paired to a device, the Bluetooth connection is saved on the Bcon
- Gaming Wearable. When the device is switched on again, this connection
is automatically re-established.
To pair with another device, the current connection must first be deleted by
briefly shaking the device while switching it on (signet flashing blue).
5.5 Calibration
After successful pairing the Bcon - Gaming Wearable calibrates itself
automatically. The signet changes to violet for a short time.
With this zero point calibration, the device defines its current starting
position as the new zero point.
The device now interprets all movements in relation to this zero point.