Points to Note About Installation
Points to Note at Time of Installation
1. Required Accessories
To install the product, you will need the following separately available accessories:
Expansion Bus-B1, USB Application Interface Board-D1 (except US), iR 256MB
Expansion RAM-B1 (except US). Be sure that these accessories have been properly
installed before starting the work; otherwise, there will be a message to indicate the absence
of resources when you attempt to register a license key. The special option may be needed
with the copier product used.
2. Time Needed for HDD Initialization
- When the machine restarts for the first time after a license key has been registered, it may
take more than 30 min to complete a restart run. It may take even longer if you have
changed service mode settings to select 'write random data 3 times'.
The user data will be deleted from the hard disk for the following:
- when the security function is enabled by registering the product's license key
- when a data encryption key is re-generated
- when the product's license key is invalidated to stop using the security function
Before attempting any of the foregoing, be sure to inform the user's device supervisor that
the items of data shown in the following table will be lost and it is important to make a
backup of data as necessary. Making a backup, however, is not the work of the service
person, as it inherently involves security issues. The instructions herein are for reference
purposes only.
Data Erased
Able to Be Backed Up
Information registered in the Address Book
Settings made from the Additional Functions screen
Forwarding Settings