Chapter 1: Getting the Lay of the Land
Which marker you use to align your lens depends on the lens type:
Canon EF-S lens:
The white square is the mounting index.
Canon EF lens:
The red dot is the mounting index.
EF mounting index
EF-S mounting index
Figure 1-1:
Which index marker you should use depends on the lens type.
For a non-Canon lens, check the lens manual for help with this step.
4. Align the mounting index on the lens with the correct one on the
camera body.
The lens also has a mounting index. Figure 1-2 shows the one that
appears on the so-called
kit lens
— the EF-S 18–55mm IS (Image
Stabilizer) zoom lens that Canon sells as a unit with the Rebel T3/1100D.
If you buy a different lens, the index marker may be red or some other
color, so again, check the lens instruction manual.
5. Keeping the mounting indexes aligned, position the lens on the cam-
era’s lens mount.
6. Turn the lens in a clockwise direction until the lens clicks into place.
In other words, turn the lens toward the lens-release button, as indi-
cated in Figure 1-2.
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