Special Features
document, you can use a page layout or graphics application. To create the variable-
elements document, you can use a word processing application that has a mail merge
feature, a page layout application that supports scripting, or a database application.
FreeForm functions are controlled with two print options: Create Master and Use
Master. You can set these options in the printer driver when you send a job, or you can
instruct the operator to set them with job overrides from the Command WorkStation,
Fiery Spooler, or Fiery WebSpooler.
Creating the master-elements document
Before you can use FreeForm, you must create a master-elements document and a
variable-elements document. This includes creating the layout for the combined
document as well as the elements themselves. In a page layout or graphics program,
you arrange the master elements (text and graphics that do not change) on one or more
pages, leaving space for the variable elements.
Space for variable elements
Unchanging master elements
Master-elements document