EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files
downloading 5-1
downloading from Mac OS 2-8
downloading from Windows 1-1, 1-28
problems downloading C-6
Euroscale simulation goal 4-10, A-15
Fiery Downloader
Brightness option 5-7
choosing a printer 5-3
Command WorkStation 5-1
Connection Type 5-5
downloading file or font 5-4 to 5-7
Download Progress bar 5-2
Hard Disk area 5-2
installing printer fonts 5-9
job overrides A-1
Mac OS 2-8
PDF files 1-1
printing from 5-4
Print Status area 5-2
problems with C-5
Queue 5-5
RIP Status area 5-2
Toolbar 5-3
using 5-1
Windows 1-28
Active Job List 6-7
Always on Top 6-9
Device List 6-7
Dock Fiery Link 6-9
File Info tool 6-5
Input Trays tool 6-5, 6-6
My Fiery List 6-4, 6-8
preferences 6-4, 6-6
Queue Position tool 6-5
selecting a print job 6-4
selecting a server 6-4
Status tool 6-5
Support tool 6-6
Toner tool 6-5, 6-6
Fiery Scan plug-in for Photoshop
Fiery Spooler
Fiery WebTools
accessing xiv, 6-1, 6-2
home page 6-2
overview 6-3
problems with C-7
Status 6-2
WebLink 6-3
WebSpooler 1-17
File Info tool 6-5
File name entry field 5-6
File port, saving files to 1-28
Files of type menu (Windows) 5-5
Font Downloader 5-1
font list
Adobe Type 1 B-1
displaying 5-3, 5-10
PostScript B-1 to B-5
printing 5-3, 5-10
TrueType B-5
Font List button 5-3
Adobe Type 1 5-8, 5-9, B-1
downloading and managing 5-1, 5-6,
installing 5-9
PostScript 5-9
printer fonts 5-8
printer fonts on server 5-10
screen fonts 5-8
substitution with PDF files 5-9
TrueType 5-8, B-5