Receiving a Fax into the In Box
To receive a fax into the In Box of the MultiPASS Desktop Manager,
your computer must be on and MultiPASS Background must be
running. You must also have selected Upload Fax in the Receive Options
of the Desktop Manager. (See page 8-7 for details.)
The Receive Options determine how your faxes are received by the
MultiPASS C3000.
When the Computer is Off
Set this to Print Fax to always print an incoming fax.
Set this to Save in memory to save an incoming fax in the
MultiPASS C3000s memory. You can then print the fax, or
upload it to the MultiPASS Desktop Manager after you turn on
the computer.
When the Computer is On
Set this to Upload Fax to receive all your faxes to the
MultiPASS Desktop Manager.
Set this to Print Fax to always print an incoming fax.
Printing a Received Fax When Your Computer Is Off
When a document is in its memory, the MultiPASS C3000 displays the
and alternately flashes the date.
To upload the fax to the MultiPASS Desktop Manager, simply turn on
the computer.
If you want to print a fax that is stored in memory in the MultiPASS
C3000, without turning on the computer follow these steps:
On the MultiPASS
C3000, press the
MPC-3000—USERS MANUAL/V000/07-97
Receiving F
Chapter 5
Receiving Faxes 5-7