Drive System
Folding Stem
3. Close the lever (2). Push it down until the
lever arm touches the stem stop (a).
Figure Lever closed correctly
4. Stand in front of the bike. Place your feet on
both sides of the wheel and hands on the
handlebar. Try to move the handlebar while
holding the wheel. The handlebar must not
move while the wheel is held fixed. If it does,
something is wrong. Do not ride the bike
until the conditions are corrected, see next
See also “Adjusting Folding Stem Lever
The stem lever is closed correctly when:
A strong resistance is felt to the force
of your hand when closing the lever.
An impression of the lever is left in
the palm of your hand after removing
your hand from the closed lever.
The handlebar does not have any play
or side-to -side movement.
The stem lever is too loose and stem
tension must be adjusted if:
A strong resistance to the force of
your hand is not felt when closing
(locking) the stem lever.
Closing the lever does not leave an
impression of the lever in your palm.
After the lever is closed you can still
rock the handlebar side-to-side or the
handlebars have a loose feeling. The
stem tension (play) must be adjusted.
See “Adjusting Stem Tension”
Never ride with an open or loose lever.
Make sure the lever is closed. If you ride
with an open or loose lever you may lose
steering control of the bicycle. Failure to
properly and fully close the lever could lead
to an accident with risk of serious injury,
paralysis or death.