The following actions will change the system
parameters, enter the confirmation needed
for set up.
BNT 950
BNT 950-X
Please Enter Code: 1234
System Type
System Type
Valve Type:
BNT 950
Softener (Demand Flow)
Filter (Time Clock)
Filter (Meter Delay)
Filter (Meter Immediate)
Filter (Pressure Drop)
Current Mode: Softener
Change to: Filter
(Time Clock)
Change SYS Type
Valve Type
This menu controls the type of systems available with MTS. All MTS systems can operate with 2 to 16 valves.
As flow rate demand increases and passed the preset trip points, external motorized ball valves on each control valve are opened to bring additional
tanks on-line to increase flow capacity. When the demand goes down below the trip points, the tanks are taken off-line. When the capacity of a
tank is depleted, it will immediately go into regeneration. The outlet valve will close to prevent any hard water from entering the service line. Only
one tank may regenerate at a time.
If the system forecasts a future period of high demand and the current capacity is not enough, the system will automatically regenerate the tank
with the least capacity remaining to restore enough capacity to cover the high period of demand.
At the preset regeneration time, a regeneration will occur. The regeneration can be sched-uled on certain days of the week or by set intervals of days
between. The outlet valve will close to prevent any raw water from entering the service line. Only one tank may regener-ate at a time. The tanks will
regenerate in sequence one by one.
When the preset total system capacity reaches zero, a regeneration will be scheduled at the next preset regeneration time. The outlet valve will
close to prevent any raw water from entering the service line. Only one tank may regenerate at a time. The tanks will regener-ate in sequence one
by one.
When the preset total system capacity reaches zero, a regeneration will be occur immedi-ately. The outlet valve will close to prevent any hard water
from entering the service line. Only one tank may regenerate at a time. The tanks will regenerate in sequence one by one.close to prevent any raw
water from
When the pressure drop across an individual filter reaches the trip point, a regeneration will be occur immediately. The outlet valve will close to
prevent any hard water from entering the service line. Only one tank may regenerate at a time. The tanks will regenerate only when they have
reached the pressure drop trip point.
Press the SET button to enter the System Type menu icon. A password is required to unlock this screen to prevent non-qualified persons from
making changes. The password is 1, 2, 3, 4