pumping delay
Pressure did not reach
to desired set point after
predefined delay
Leak in the system
Jammed compressor
intake tube
Damaged circuit
wires or connectors
Blown compressor fuse
Corroded or disconnected
compressor GND
Faulty relay
Faulty compressor
Jammed check valve
Faulty SCM
1- Check for leaks. If no leak
found go to next action step.
2- Go to Activations - SCM and start
Test routine. If the test is done
with no fault, the system is working
properly. Check the harness and
connector to see a potential source
of intermittent dysfunction, if nothing
is found clear the occurred fault and
no more actions have to be done. If
the compressor is not starting check
the compressor GND, harness and
connection then continue to the next
action step. If the compressor is
running and the Test Status show
a Fail_Pumping go to action step 6.
3-Test the compressor with an
external power supply (as a 12V
battery). If the compressor is
functional go to next action step.
4-Unplug the relay and make sure to
have 12V between battery negative
post and relay pin 30. If not, check
the compressor fuse and harness.
If 12V is present, test the relay.
If the relay is functional plug it
back and go to next action step.
5- Disconnect the SCM, take a
jumper wire and connect pin 8 to the
battery negative post. If then the
compressor starts, change the SCM.
6- Verify that the compressor intake
tube (transparent) is not blocked or
kinked. Unplug the SCM air tube
(yellow) and start the compressor. If
air blow out of the tube change the
SCM. If not go to next action step.
7- During the Test routine verify the
pressure sensors value. If the Shock
Absorber Pressure and Auxiliary
Line Pressure is not going up verify
the first check valve at the exit of
the compressor. If only the Shock
Absorber Pressure is not going up
verify the second check valve after
green tube.