Appendix A. Eligibility and
getting onto the GOES system
U.S. federal, state, or local government agencies, or users sponsored by one of those agencies,
may use GOES. Potential GOES users must apply for and be granted a System Use Agreement
(SUA) by NESDIS, which is typically renewable every 5 years. Use the following procedure to
acquire permission for getting onto the GOES system:
1. Follow the steps provided at:
to submit an application for GOES DCS
SUA. Once submitted, the approving authorities will review the application and notify you
within two weeks. If you are approved NESDIS will send you a Memorandum of Agreement
2. Sign and submit the MOA. After the MOA is approved, NESDIS will issue a channel
assignment and an ID address code.
3. IMPORTANT: Contact NESDIS to coordinate a start-up date.
for more information.
TX325 Satellite Transmitter for GOES V2