Click the Configuration button to open the Configuration window.
Selects the units for GPS speedometer (Km/h/MPH).
Sets the quality of recording. (High/Normal)
Sets sensitivity of the 3G sensor [ 6 options: 1(insensitive)
5(sensitive) / 0(off)]
Selects whether audio recording is enabled.
Selects the Universal Time Coordinated.
(Sync button displays the time set on the computer)
Selects the world standard time.
Applies daylight savings time.
Sets password in the PC-viewer.
(up to eight digits, special characters/numbers/letters available)
Sets a user car number to be displayed in the screen during recording.
1. Speedometer Unit
2. Recording Quality
3. Shock Sensitivity
4. Audio Recording
5. UTC
6. World Standard Time
7. Summer Time Apply
8. User password setting
9. Car Number setting
* UTC time is the initial setting value.
* Please select your city and click the button 'sync' to set your time.
* Time would be set accurately, if you use our GPS for video recording.