Actiheart User Manual 5.1.31 (Jun 2022)
6.6 Apnoea Search
Clicking on the ‘Apnoea Search’ tab produces the following screen:
This screen is divided into three sections:
Top section.
This shows the parameters of the chosen recording namely
those for the user and those for the start and finish times of the recording.
Second section
This shows the activity data in black and the heart rate
data in red for the duration of the recording. The scale of these can be
adjusted using the sliders to either side of this display.
Third section
The ‘Analysis Results’ window is used to display potential
occurrences of sleep apnoea and some statistics.
Moving the ‘Fell Asleep’ and ‘Woke Up’ sliders to the respective times and
clicking on the white area begins the analysis, and produces the following