Actiheart User Manual 5.1.31 (Jun 2022)
IBI Min and Max data:
Shows the IBI min and max data (the average of
the two lowest IBI figures and the two highest IBI figures per epoch
respectively) for the recording displayed for each 15 second epoch.
Lost data and ECG level:
The level of ECG signal and the % of lost
signal per epoch.
The central Actiheart and Heart Rate graph can be navigated using the mouse
wheel to zoom in and out, and right-dragging to scroll through the data. Details of
the other controls, tools and graphs are provided in the following sections.
3.4.1 Long
Term Tools
Tabs &
The tools section [B] contains 5 tabs with the following functions:
The Display Tab:
Allows the user to adjust the following parameters:
Heart Rate scale
Activity scale
Min Max IBI scale
Display width (adjustable down to 1 hour)
Heart Rate cursor (shown on the screen in yellow)
IBI cursor (shown on the screen in yellow)
Display centre
– also manipulated by right-dragging the data
The Heart Rate Tab:
allows the user to view the following information:
The average, minimum, and maximum heart rate for the selected
day of the recording.
The average, minimum and maximum heart rate for all days of the
The IBI Tab:
This tab shows the average and distribution of IBI’s for both
the currently selected day and for all days of the study.
The Comments Tab:
This tab allows a comment to be stored with the
recording. This could be, for example, the type of pads used in the study
or information about the type of activity or exercise being done.
The Edit Tab:
The user is able to mark, remove, unmark/include, trim
and copy sections of the data. To manipulate a section of the data, the
required section first has to be highlighted. This is done by left mouse
clicking at the start of the data and then dragging across until the desired
end point is reached. For fine adjustment of this period, the sliders in the
middle of the edit box can be used. The screenshot below shows a
highlighted area of data on the selected day: